Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Service and non-stock records - track activity

Current Situation:

On 'stock' items track activity.

Non-stock items and Service items have no activity


We are a repair company who provide services and subcontract out some services.

Without tracking, we cannot easily see e.g. how many repairs we did of a particular machine, because there is no history.

We also cannot easily check the prices/suppliers to whom we have subcontracted a particular service out to (which all have different 'product' codes given they contain precise individual information per type and size of machine)

As there is no activity logging, reports cannot be generated to gather information.

Currently the only solution is to create a report in the Sales / Invoice and Purchase module to pull information from the order records which is not convenient and may not be possible for some users.

Solution / Suggestion

Add functionality to track the activity of service product codes.

Other points

Some users may findactivity for non-stock items equally useful.

If you forsee this being a problem for some users, then maybe a toggle in Settings?

These items (non-stock and service) do not need to add quantities to stock, but the visual representation of quantity ordered in the activity would be useful.


  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2022