Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Diary & Communications Screens - Linking to a Sales / Purchase Order / Delivery Note in addition to a Supplier / Customer Account / Assign to several people

Currently entries can only be linked to an account record and assigned to one user.

Being able to link to a specific Sales Order / Purchase Order (or delivery note) would enhance this feature as would being able to assign it to several people, or a 'Team'.

For example we make a diary entry to 'Goods In Team or several people' attached to 'PO' to advise when the delivery is scheduled, so they can see what to expect in and a daily schedule of movements.

When Customers call chasing an order, rather than an entry against the customer an additional link to a specific order, would narrow down, and improve in making a response.

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2021