Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Aged Debtor Ageing......

We have a customer who is set up with 60DEOM terms - the "credit control" section of this customer reads, "Payment Due: 60" "Payment Due From: Days from the first day of the following month". When you pull the activity report for this customer and filter by O/S only - there are invoices that state a due date of 30/09/2021 that the report is putting into Period 2 - because the invoices were created in June 2021 - even though they are not yet due based on the terms.

This is because in settings and customer defaults the ageing it is set by period - but TBH no matter which option you choose in that area - it does not change the outcome.

You are able to amend the credit terms for a customer but this does not impact the debtor report - and it will always report incorrectly for those customers who are not on standard terms.

It would be great if instead of ageing against invoice date it is aged against due date.

  • Guest
  • Sep 8 2021