Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Stop the system from generating Sales Order Dispatch notes for customers on Credit Stop

Hi all,

We have a fairly big problem with how Sage 50 handles sales order dispatch notes when dispatching orders for customers who have an account that is on on credit stop. We have the system set to not dispatch or process orders for customers who are on credit stop. The problem we have is that although the system does not dispatch the order it still presents our users with a dispatch note which means that it is very easy to miss the unobscure message that pops up for those who are inexperienced or simply busy and the customer ends up receiving their goods accidentally. The next problem is that now the customer has accidentally received their goods we now haven't generated an invoice because the system has blocked the production of one!

Would it be possible for a setting to be added which blocks the production of dispatch notes completely for customers who have accounts stopped? In most businesses the people who process the accounts and the orders are two different things so it would be nice to be able to block all processing of orders for customer facing users.

  • Guest
  • Dec 19 2022