Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Be able to amend default options when adding Attachments to memo (or dragging and dropping files)

Currently when adding files manually through the  'Add Attachment' button you get window: "Create New Attachment" and three options to choose from:
1 - "Leave the file in its current location"
2 - "Copy the file into the Sage 50 Accounts data folder"
3 - "Move the file into the Sage 50 Accounts Data folder"

Sage Live Q&A Sam advised the it currently defaults to the top one (option1) and is unable to be changed.

It would be useful if you could change the option it defaults too so it doesn't rely on the importers folder filing system on their own PC, if file gets moved or deleted in that individuals PC, then the file within sage becomes unusable and inaccessible.

This default change would be useful to apply also for when files are dragged and dropped into memo section.

  • Guest
  • Jan 20 2021