Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Batch Supplier Payment - Allow filter and search of suppliers

Morning all,

On the Batch Supplier Payment screen.

We have a number of Sage 50 sites that would like the option to be able filter suppliers to be paid
Currently you can only filter on invoices due for payment by due date or date range and there are no other options to Search, filter or even sort by any of the columns.

For example: .
If you have a lot of suppliers with multiples of invoices due for Payment or date range - the list can get quite large

Would be great to be able to filter suppliers by: 

1) Supplier Payment Method 


2) Supplier Analysis Code

(both options similar to Sage 200 Payment run grouping)

To be able to filter by option (1) Supplier Pay Method would be a great option
Especially if you are only paying suppliers on the BACS/SEPA group.

or where you have a lot of suppliers that you pay by Direct Debit and the invoice is posted to Sage before the Direct Debit is posted -
You could end up with a lot of unnecessarily scrolling.



  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2023