Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Easier Options for Updating Customer Price Lists (that were set up on fixed price)

All of our customers have individual price lists which include each product they take which is specific to them. Prices for each product have always been set at "fixed price" calculation method. The draw back to having all our customers set up on this method is the painstaking task of having to manually update these prices when a price increase is issued. (There are reasons as to why we cannot use standard sales price or other options when setting prices, fixed price is our only valid option)

There is of course the "export to Excel" option for these price lists but this is still time consuming as you can only export/import one customer's price list at a time to excel. For our business it is just as quick to manually change the price of each product within Sage. Both options are extremely time consuming.

I have two suggestions for you all:

1. Allow an option under global changes that can amend the fixed price option of products by a set amount/percentage. (This would greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to update prices as i can put one increase of say £20.00 on top of all of the prices generated for that one product)

2. When clicking on customers and then price list (So you see all customers/price lists available on screen). Add a function to send all those prices lists to one complete excel document. So you have the option to select all or multiple lists you wish to change at once. You can only do one by one on the current system. By being able to send them all to excel in one go you can quickly use one formula and paste into all price lists on that document saving so much time. And then saving even more time uploading the CSV file back into sage, only having to do this once. Draw back is it isn't easy to target one particular product to increase, you would still have to whittle out the ones you needed to increase. But still this would save me time on my current methods available to me.

Option 1 would be my preferred option because i can pick and choose which products to increase and not have to filter through customers price lists to update individually.

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2022