Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Bank feeds, Rules, supplier payments and other gripes

I'm new to Bank feeds, as I have just been forced to upgrade from a perpetual licence, and Bank feeds was one of the things I thought would sweeten the pill.

I set up a few Rules so my direct debit payments can be posted automatically.  What a great idea I thought, not having to go into Supplier payments quite so often.  Only, when I allow the rule to go ahead it doesn't give me the allocation screen, so I have to go into supplier payments afterwards and allocate the payment to the invoice anyway.  What then is the point of auto-posting a supplier payment if you can't allocate it to an invoice?

Other frustrations:

Transactions from Rules post not with my username but with BF:RULE:username, whether I do it on logon or via Bank feeds approval.  What is the point of that - I did the posting, so why isn't my username there?

When you go into Bank feeds, Download transactions, you get a stupid popup window saying that it may take some time, then another one saying the sync completed successfully.  EVERY SINGLE TIME. Why is there no option not to show these two popups ever again?

If I choose not to go into Bank feeds approval, but into Bank feeds, the transactions it was asking me to approve do not show - so there is an incomplete list of bank statement transactions.  I don't understand why Bank feeds approval isn't included within the bank feeds window.  Maybe transactions that have a Rule ready to be approved could be flagged as such and approved from there?

I see several of my other minor bugbears from versions past are still there in this latest version - I guess no-one has pointed them out or the Sage developers couldn't or wouldn't fix them.  Another thread maybe...

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  • Oct 4 2022