The Customer and Supplier details screen is the first screen that is we see then we click on a Customer or Supplier, it records names & addresses, and contract details but does not allow details of Customer or Supplier Correspondence and hence Sage Customers use other Software Packages to record Customer or Supplier Correspondence the consequence of which is that other Software Sales people see it as any easy way in to persuade Sage Customers to move to their accounting Software
However the Customer and Supplier details screen has a large area on the right hand side of the Contact Information details that is empty, can we it be completely filled with a Text box which allows unlimited text, in order that we record Customer or Supplier correspondence or information, such as what products they have purchased, etc.
I know there is a text box in the memo tab but when a Customer or Supplier telephones in we need to react quickly and a text box in the Customer and Supplier details screen is the correct place for it to be.
It must be an easy fix
Chris Brookes Circuit Bureau Ltd