'headers' don't match.
When sending data to Excel e.g. Product Codes, the headers are not the same as the headers needed to import data back in (small section listed here for ease with the name Sage wants to use for import purposes in [brackets]):
Product Code [stock code]
Sales Price
Com. Code Description [commodity code] there is also the option of IntraStat Com Code to confuse matters
Supplier A/C [supplier A/C Ref]
Part No. [supplier part ref]
Last Cost Price (Std) [cost price]
The nominal code data is also a little obscure if you don't know the program inside out.
When reimporting said information back in to Sage: the program does not recognise a lot of these headers automatically, despite it being the wording that Sage has output itself.
My data import failed 3 times citing incorrect information despite mapping to the correct fields in the wizard: it was citing column headers which weren't even part of the dataset I was importing.
After searching out the official Template, the wording is different and can still be trial and error to make sure the correct data is in the correct column. I had no data import failures using the template.
When exporting data from Sage, Sage uses the same wording as in the templates.
No need to map data in the wizard
No concerns about data being input in to incorrect fields
Successful importing of data