Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Purchase Order Due Date in Product 'On Order' Grid

We utilise the Due Date field in Purchase Orders, so when a Supplier provides us with a delivery date we input this into the PO file.  Our sales team works from the Products and Services section whereby they will check stock availability, prices, allocated stock etc.  This section show quantity on order but this really isn't that helpful on its own.  It would be great if when clicking into the Product Record card, then clicking on the On Order +, the box showing the various POs connected to that product had a column showing the Due Date.  Is this possible?  At present it brings in Date, A/C, Order No, Ref, Project Ref, Cost Code and Quantity on Order but no Due Date.  All these data elements come for the same area as the Due Date so could the Due Date be pulled through too.  This would help immensely in regards to stock availability and planning.

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  • Nov 12 2021