Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Sales Order Payment Details

We use the sales order payment tab to post customer payments, whether thats through the Sage Pay card terminal launched from this tab, or whether that is posting bank payments for pro-forma orders. 

One enhancement which would make this a much easier experience is the addition of a payment date. 

For example we may raise and send a pro-forma to a customer who then pays us by bank after the end of the day, this is picked up in the morning, but the only way in which we can make the date appear as yesterday on the payment posted directly from the sales order is if we wither post the payment and manually change the transaction date, or if we changed the program date to do this

In cases where we have had a lot of orders to do this for we have changed the program date and posted all of the payments, however when its just one or two orders it seems a bit too time consuming to change the program date just to change it back moments later

The addition of a payment date/posting date would be a huge benefit to order processing times. Additionally, we use an ecommerce integration, so perhaps there could be something in the SDK to allow the website to popuplate the posted date for card payment orders - usually this would be the same day as the sales order is automatically raised, but just to ensure the payment date is correctly mapped this could be beneficial

  • Guest
  • May 24 2022