Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

VAT RTD needs to be adjusted for Irish ROS submissions

I have been on line with a couple of agents today and reported an issue with the RTD that I believe has been escalated. Note in order for to correctly report on ROS, a manual calculation has to take place over riding the automation of the system. The testers in Sage have today found the same issue. I await to hear back on the fix.

  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2024
  • Guest commented
    13 Mar 10:49

    The RTD on Sage does not work for Irish ROS submissions. The reverse charge codes are not recording at all in the sales RTD code AC5 and in the wrong code in the purchases currently in J2 instead of AH5 or AH6. I have flagged this with my reseller for the last two years and no changes have been made. Sage is selling this functionality in Ireland as a USP but it is providing completely incorrect information. I would not recommend any company in Ireland to start using sage as the support is non existent for bug changes that are necessary in the ROI jurisdiction.

  • Guest commented
    22 Jan 10:35

    An existing RTD issue which I have also notified Sage about is that currently T20 appears in boxes S1 and J2 which is zero % Home. These figures must be manually moved to AC5 and AH6.

    Secondly, if you need to create a new code for self accounting of VAT for purchase of services from UK or ROW then this new code will not appear at all on the RTD.