Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Nominal activity screen with charitable fund column

hello, i run nominal activity screen all the time and it shows transaciton numberm type, date , ref, detail, department etc but i want this to also show the chartiable fund that we use, can this be added please? please can you let me know asap

  • Guest
  • Jan 23 2024
  • Guest commented
    January 25, 2024 09:17

    I'm sorry to say, as a charitable funds module user, that the fund accounting has been badly cobbled onto the standard package - it appears they've done the minimum to get it working (under the hood)[1] but left out doing anything useful with the user interface.

    For example, the fund activity screen cannot be sorted in any way - it is stuck in transaction number order whereas the activity screen in any of the other modules we use can be sorted by any of the headings.

    Shirley it's not too hard to add a fund field to every activity screen with which the user interacts (it was added to the transaction list apparently easy enough); those without charitable funds would have it permanently hidden whereas those with would get the option to hide it, or not.

    [1]Every transaction has had a fund field added, but it defaults to no fund (or fund 0). With the standard package this is not a problem (but a PITA if the fund is forgotten to be set with charitable funds enabled).