Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Making the profit analysis more accurate


I would like to put forward an idea.  At the moment when a supplier has a price increase, this can be imported from spreadsheet template, which updates the product record Last cost price (std) but not the Last cost price (discounted).  Unfortunately, when you go to sales order to supply a customer quote the product profit analysis calculates from the last cost price (discounted) which provides an inaccurate profit margin, could this be changed to calculate from last cost price (std) or alternatively a field on the import spreadsheet to change the value in the discounted last cost, so it can be imported to match the new increased price.  The way the sale profit is calculating it proving very negative to our business as the staff are discounting our customers further (based on the profit margin analysis) which means on occasion we are giving the good away [emoticon:ca08b2c27c2f40e993e89508acf29e0b]

Having spoken to your help team to see if I can batch change to make the last cost price (discounted) zero, that way the sales profit analysis is calculated from the last cost price (std), which to my mind it should be calculated from anyway.  Also, it is another rigmarole to do a batch change every supplier price increase, and it is always handy to see on the product record the previous cost, to see at a glance how much the product has increased.

Thank you

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2023