Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Auto populate commodity code description from commodity code

So, with the impending doom of January the 1st we're trying to get on top of our commodity codes to allow us to continue to get parts out the door (god knows how long they are going to sit at the docks or in customs but that's by the by)

In Sage 50 there are a few product fields for commodities, the code itself, a description and a country of origin.

Filling in the description is a PITA as there isn't enough space to get everything in.

As a company we've not reached the threshold for Intrastat yet but today I've been messing around with Sage and the Intrastat report.

As I've generated reports then Sage has come back with some warnings that a few of our commodity codes are incorrect so Sage is cross refering what I've entered against a database somewhere? Why can't Sage use said database to automatically populate the commodity code description? save us faffing about! less room for error

  • Guest
  • Nov 17 2020