Make chart of accounts captions be able to skip a nominal but maintain the grouping. I.e. if bank is 1200 and debt is 1201 and cash is 1202, be able to group Bank and cash in one line item with just the codes wanted: Bank and cash: 1200; 1202 as opposed to low high fields and it having two Bank and cash lines in Current assets for 1200 and 1202.
Do you mean something like these suggestions:
Chart of Accounts - add two random nominal codes together in a line of our chart of accounts
Second level totalling in the Chart of Accounts allowing for split ranges, duplicated in
Chart of Accounts - Adding nominal codes to the COA that do not fit within the Nom code ranges (so appears on P&L in correct place)
Option of adding other sections to the chart of accounts to be able to subtotal without adjusting in excel