Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Recurring items to keep base date and adjust for non-banking days

When a recurring item is set up it should configurable so that the next processing date will be on the first banking day on or after the normal day (date in month when it was first set up) of the item and not just the same day (date in month) as it was last processed in the next month (or however regularly it occurs).

For example, we have a lot of items that started on the first of the month (their normal, or base, date), but as this can be a weekend or a bank holiday, they will not be processed by the bank until a day or 3 later.

To process these in Sage requires changing the date of them all to when they occurred. The next processing date then keeps the same adjusted day in the next month, except that if they can occur on their normal day, the next month all the recurring items that were manually changed have to be manually changed back.

Similarly, those near the end of the month can be pushed over to the start of the next month, where the next processing will be the same date in the following month.

To simplify this and speed up processing by not-requiring the regular manual editing of processing dates around non-banking days, Sage should be configurable so that if a recurring item should attempt to occur on a non-banking day, it will automagically change to the next banking day. Should this cause it to go to the next month, Sage should realise that it is actually the recurring item of the previous month and consider the recurring item for processing later again in the same month - eg Sat 30 March 2024 was shuffled forward to Tue 2 April 2024, the next processing date should be Tue 30 April 2024.

  • Guest
  • Apr 4 2024