Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

ActiveSearch needs personalisation settings (Suggested results as you type NC, Descriptions etc.)

Currently, anyone who works on a [Company] must have ActiveSearch either On or Off. Consensus among the team on such personalisation issues is impossible, so having a per-user setting would make ActiveSearch more useful. This setting affects many but not all fields. It is very useful for suggesting Nominal Codes, but it makes the Description field quite useless, as what I'm typing is changed without consent if my mouse so much as moves over the general area of predictive auto-complete text. I want to be able to set what fields ActiveSearch affects, making it useful for our use case, and without messing up personalised options of others. ActiveSearch currently feels clunky because of the all-or-nothing approach in how it appears in SAGE.

  • Guest
  • May 9 2024