When checking the activity from a product why do you only relate the reference to sales orders only? Why is there no reference to the actual invoice? I always delete my sales orders as otherwise I would have as many sales orders as I do invoices which is not practical for my business. I use the sales orders to remind me of which orders are still outstanding and need to be made and sent out to my customers. Sometimes I could have 100+ sales orders waiting and if they are mixed in with sales orders that have already been invoiced it all becomes very confusing as you would have to continuously need to scroll up and down the screen looking for open sales orders which wastes time!
No ones uses sales orders once an invoice has been raised as a customer would always relate back to an invoice number not a sales order number, hence why do we need to keep them! It would make more sense to relate the activity to an invoice number. Please can you add this feature!
It would also be useful if it said in the activity the name of the customer to whom the invoice is related to