Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Amend Customer or Supplier Account Reference

We have suppliers or customers that change their name and although you can change their name in the name field you are unable to change their actual account reference.

This would be useful especially as we have Sage linked to another sys

Change customer or supplier account ref (A/C), and nominal code automatically (but retain the activity)

I would love to be able to change the A/C reference of a supplier and customer without having to create a whole new record and transfer over all the activity. Similiarly, I would like the ability to change the Nominal Code (number) without having

Make it possible to change Account Codes

or at least link them. Companies merge, change names etc and now my records are hodgepodge. I can't just "Create a new" account as I still need the records from the old company.

  • Guest
  • Jul 28 2016
  • Guest commented
    April 05, 2024 10:55

    This has been an issue for us for years. Not being able to change the A/C to reflect a new customer name etc. I know the practice is something lik Joe Bloggs Ltd would be to have JB001 but if they change their name to Stuart Biggs, I want to be able to change the A/C to SB001. Our ledge dates back to 1987 before this practice so a lot of our customers A/C's are something like EriMitch and now they're Brick Layers Ltd and I can't change it and it's driving us and our customers insane. It's something I've been requesting for years and shouldn't be something that's this hard for Sage to change so that these can be amended!

  • Guest commented
    December 19, 2023 11:11

    We've just had a customer complain today about her account name - it is based on her ex husband's name as she was married when she was first a customer.

    Being unable to change her account name (despite Sage admitting that they have a version which can do it, and aiding and abetting third parties to breach the reason they give for not releasing it), we've had to create a new account for her and move her outstanding invoices, her memo and attachments to it.

    This is not ideal as it has left her history and communications history on the old account, and her old account will be stuck in the system until we clear down the audit trail (at some stage far in the future - we need full data going back 6 years at least).

    I also notice that since the new ideas board has been up and running the number of votes for this has dropped by over 50% from 341...

  • Guest commented
    November 15, 2023 14:35

    We use Adept Code Changer