Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Departments should have an inactive flag to stop entries being posted to them.

Departments should have an inactive flag to stop entries being posted to them.

It is ridiculous that 999 departments are available to be posted to whether they have a name or not. 

On a support call I was advised to name the ones that you don't want used to be NOT IN USE which is totally impractical and would not stop users posting to them. So if you use 10 departments in use you have to edit 980 to name them all DO NOT USE. 

Come on Sage this should be an easy fix to put a "Not in Use Flag" so they cannot be posted to. How many hours are wasted by users looking for postings to departments that shouldn't be used and then doing corrections. I have just wasted about 3 hours finding and correcting these that a well designed system wouldn't have allowed in the first place.

  • Guest
  • Jul 13 2020