Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Profit margin needs to lock in per sale

Currently, when selling items the profit margin calculated at point of sale is not locked in.  What I mean by this is when the cost price of an item changes, any historic invoice that include this item are adjusted and therefore the profit margin is no longer accurate.  

This is having a detrimental effect on our business for two reasons.  The first being that I have a member of staff who is commission based and is targeted on his monthly profit margin achieved.  However, SAGE cannot provide accurate figures and this is impacting his pay.  The other issue is that as a business we want to improve month on month, year on year on both sales and profit, however the information provided to us by SAGE is ever changing and extremely inaccurate.

Please find a fix to this issue as soon as possible.

  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2022