Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

sub contractor insurance alerts on paymnets


we use the cis module and  before the subcontractors are paid  it needs to be checked that  they have current business / liability insurance as paying for work  without this leaves the company exposed to risk.

this would be a standard procedure within the  construction industry.

now there is an alert message but that only works for the purchase modules.  it would be good if the subcontractor pay module   flagged this in the window..

an element or box could be added to their cis details page as in insurance expiry date and that could be  used to flag the message.

it would also allow reports  to be made to check who has insurance running out soon.

thus making all the neccessary items to pay the subcontractors  in one place  fully using the sage crm facility


  • Guest
  • Jul 5 2022