Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Attach more than 1 special price list to customer accounts - to help make life easier when running promotions.

Attach more than 1 special price list to customer accounts - This would make life easier when running promotions.

Currently, we have a number of bespoke special price lists.

60% of our customers are linked to one of these special price lists.

When we run promotions we tend to offer a deep discount which brings us close to cost price. Therefore, all customers get the same price when on promotion. We couldn't afford to offer discounted customer more than one discount, because this would cause us to make a loss on the product sale.

It is too time consuming to remove promotional products from bespoke price lists and then add them again after the promotion ends.

Therefore, when we run promotions on specific products, we have to manually override the price within the sales order in order to ensure that everyone gets the same promo price. However, this is confusing and time consuming.

If all of our customers were on standard prices, then we would simply amend the standard price for the period of the promotion. However if we do this, then customers on a special price list would get their special price discount as well as the promo discount which would cause us to make a loss on the product sale.

Therefore, it would be ideal if we could attach a special "Promotion Price List" to all customer accounts, whilst keeping customers linked to their respective special price lists. When inputting sales orders, we would ask that SAGE uses the cheapest price of the 2 price lists, which would likely be the "Promotional Price List". Once the promotion ends, we would simply remove theĀ "Promotional Price List" from all customers. This way special price list customers would revert back to their usual special price and standard price list customers would revert back to the standard price list.

  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2021