Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Make Sage Direct Debit process (Go Cardless) take account of credit terms entered in Customer records

Can you please consider making the Sage Direct Debit process (Go Cardless) take account of credit terms entered in Customer records and not request/process payment until a date which aligns with terms.  Currently we go to Customer list, highlight ALL customers and select 'Request DD Payment' but if we have a customer who has agreed 14 day terms (for example), currently we would have to know that we should NOT select his invoices with all the others when processing a batch' request DD payment' process.  I believe we have to manually deal with these customers on the Go Cardless website/portal but it IS very inconvenient having to use 2 different methods and relies on our intervention/reminder processes.  Surely you must be able to accommodate this feature please?

  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2022