Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

CIS Return Overdue Message

When accessing the CIS Return function, the dropdown box defaults to the previous month's return.  This is accompanied by a warning message that the return is overdue and appears to suggest that it has not been submitted by the Sage online method.  This is a misleading message.  I know that the Help Centre explains that this message is to warn you that the due date is passed, in case you are accessing the return in order to resubmit it, or are submitting it late.  However, there is no indication on this page to indicate that the return has already been submitted.  Would it be possible to add a box to indicate the return has been submitted?  Or amend the wording on the warning message to say "if this return has not yet been submitted, the due date is now passed".   To be told in a warning message that a return is overdue, when in fact it was submitted on time is very unhelpful.

  • Guest
  • Jul 4 2023