Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Delivery email address on sales orders

Hi, At the moment one can pickup the delivery address on the sales order but to get the accrual delivery address printed on the delivery note one has to go through the settings on the customer record and change the options. Imagine you are a manufacturer or a wholesaler who is delivering to 10 different addresses  and you have tp go to settings and change this every time and train various staff.

It will be fantastic if the sage Dev team can brig this feature in without changing the settings for each address.

below is what has been suggested  by Sage .

Thank you for clarifying, I know where the issue is lying with this one now. In order for the system to know on the sales order side which email address to look at you need to set the Sales Order 'send to' setting on the customer record. To do this, please follow the below steps 1. Double click the customer record 2. click 'address and contacts' 3. Click preferences 4. in the list that shows up, please select next to the orders/quotes set this to 'delivery address' via the drop down. This should tell the sales order template to look for the delivery address from the customer record when it's generated. Kind Regards

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2022