Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

New Charity Report: (Transactional) Trial Balance by Funds

The Charity module has reports for "P&L by fund" and "Balance sheet by fund" (among other things) - what would be really useful for some management account production would be a Trial Balance by funds. I'm told by Sage's experts that this doesn't exist and I should suggest it, so here I am suggesting it.

  • Guest
  • Aug 3 2021
  • Guest commented
    August 28, 2024 11:01

    Charity funds are simply a variable added to exisiting TB accounts and transactions. Just like department number.
    Unfortunately the reporting on funds is very lacking within Sage.

    Hello. I found a workaround for this glaring omission in Sage 50;, ie to be able to analyse the funds balances to a certain date.

    1. Run Sage “Fund Analysis Report” limit transactions to a particular date. (or run them for all dates, and select them out using Excel later if preferred)
      2. Export report data to Excel
      3. Create Pivot Table report based on nominal amount, fund, and with nominal code as a selection.
      4. Within the pivot table Filter the nominal codes to exclude all balance sheet accounts, therefore selecting all P&L nominal codes & 3200 (which is the reserves account nominal for all of our funds)
      If you want to include/exclude particular periods, you can select out dates in the pivot table.
      My pivot table then showed the balances remaining on the funds at a particular date.

    Can't believe Sage have not enabled periodic funds reporting, but they haven't !