We have Euro and Sterling customer accounts and therefore require different favourite invoice templates to match the relevant currency. In order to to ensure the correct template is used I wanted to link the correct currency template to the customer account so that is the only option favourite available to select when an invoice is raised however this is not possible according to the Sage Helpdesk.
From merged ideas
Can you assign a specific Invoice Template to individual customers. I use 1 Sage - but from there I have different Templates depending on the product or service we supply. Have accidentally sent the incorrect invoice to a customer - so a bit embarrassing - would be great if you could assign different templates to different customers
My idea is to have a field within customers tab where I can select the default invoice template I send to the specific customer. I have various invoices dependant on whether factored invoice, currency invoice, non factored, cash etc. It would be better if I could highlight all rows in invoices I want to send an invoice to and then it knows automatically which invoice or credit to send to the said customer.
Our customers pay in a variety of ways - payment with order, on account, by return, via DD...
We have different Invoice Layouts for differing payment methods and consequently different email wording to send with the relevant invoice.
I would like to be able to link the 'correct' invoice layout and email wording to the customer so that it is set up once and not subject to user error (i.e. sending a customer a payment due invoice when they have in fact already paid).
I can't believe this is not already an option. Such a tedious manual method to change to invoice to a subset of our customers. Always a danger we press "email an invoice" and send in the wrong trading name.
Agree with this idea and it's something I used to be able to do in QuickBooks.