Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Amending the criteria used for flagging for duplicate transactions

Is it possible to play about with the criteria that Sage uses to determine whether or not an item is a potential duplicate transaction? My issue refers mainly to supplier invoices and I think that currently, the criteria it uses is that the account name, transaction date, invoice amount and reference must all the same. It's only when all four pieces of criteria match that Sage flags it as a potential duplicate. However, in the industry we operate in, it is not uncommon for a suplier to re-issue the invoice for a different amount. What I mean is, we may receive an invoice from a supplier who, after it has been issued to us, may then realise that an item had been omitted from the original. Best practice as we all know would be to raise an additional invoice or credit, but our suppliers often amend the original and resend it to us. Of course, I know this is bad practice, but I can't prevent other companies from doing it and recently this led to us paying a supplier twice for the same invoice number (but slightly different amounts). This particular supplier is also notoriously lapse at issuing regular statements of account. Had they issued me with a statement of account, our records would have been different, and the error would have been easily spotted. 

To my mind, if two transactions have at least 3 of those 4 criteria the same, this is enough for me to want to flag it for a potential duplicate, however, under the current situation, Sage would not do so.

Many thanks


  • Guest
  • Jul 26 2020