Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Ability for users with partial access to edit batch entered invoices from the customer activity screen witout having access to the transaction screen

Hi all, we would like the possibility for employees without access to the transaction screen, to be able to edit batch entered customer invoices from the customer activity screen. This would avoid having to constantly approach more senior members of staff to correct simple errors such as incorrect date entry or accidentaly selecting the wrong customer account when mulitple accounts have similar account codes. (We have over 100 customers that start CRYS). It would improve staff moral if they could edit these minor errors without having to keep 'admitting to' making mistakes, when they are easy enough to make.

Because the transaction screen includes everything such as wages and other banking transactions, we are unable to give access to junior members of staff who are doing data entry tasks.

  • Guest
  • Oct 20 2022