Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

A better way to list ideas put forward here

See also: A better way to assess ideas put forward here?

At the time of writing there are now 94 pages with 937 suggestions.  One of them on the first page is similar to 5 others on pages 38, 77, 79 and 84 (with 8 votes between them, including the new suggestion), and covered by one of them (7 and a bit months previous).

Due to the sheer number of suggestions, having 10 per page is a slow way to search (and vote for) an idea that someone wants; the result: they just type it in again.

How about listing the titles of all ideas with their votes and suggestion date.  Either:

  • with a user selectable 10,50,100,200, etc per page; or 
  • like the question feeds: when you get to the bottom you can load more (say another 10,50,100,200 - user selectable).

Then there is a greater chance that a user may spot a similar suggestion and vote for it, possibly adding a comment to enhance it.

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2023