Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Write off Products directly from Credit notes - Particularly for faulty/returned non-saleable items.


Make writing off products more simple and automated based on the Credit Note for which they have been raised.

If a customer returns items and receives a credit note, allow us to write off the products with a few simple clicks rather than manually changing them using the current system. When dealing with multiple lines and credits, this would be especially useful and allow users to save essential time of admin.


For our industry we receive multiple returns from customers due to the nature of the products. These are faulty and non-saleable therefore need to be written off. We have around 15,000 lines, and this is quite time consuming.

A Credit note is issued for returned goods but the stock automatically gets put back onto the inventory using credit notes. Currently to write off the affected items you have to manually add them all again on the  "Products and Services > Returns " screen.

When dealing with multiple credits and in excess of 100 different products daily, this is VERY time consuming.


My suggestion is that under the "Products and Services > Returns " function - there is an option added where you can select a credit note from your "Invoices and Credits" section.

This will fully automate the entire process and allow you to change any affected products within 2 to 3 clicks. 

You are already going through the aggravation of creating the initial credit and enter the data To have to then do all this again on the write off screen is a nuisance and waste of time. The data is already within Sage once the credit is created, therefore just reference the Product Code, the Quantity and change the reason for the return to "Write Off".

I don't think it could be too tricky to implement. Please upvote this as I feel this is a valid area of improvement for Sage and any company dealing with returns of non-saleable goods.

- Thanks for your time.

  • Guest
  • Feb 15 2023