Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Facility to search on Product Description in the same way as is available on Product Code

We use Abstract/Surrogate Primary Keys for our products. This is historical and is necessary to link to other systems. Therefore we need to search for products by their description. This approach is needed by the business due to the multiple variations/choices in the products which cannot be coded successfully into the product code. Selection by description is always going to be needed for us.  Please can the functionality provided in the product code searching/dropdown be duplicated into the Product Description field too. I am aware of the search filter functonality, which although very useful is more clunky. It would streamline our order entry and help eliminate errors. It is frustrating to see the method working beautifully on the Product Code but not where we need it. I have trawled with google and see that many others are asking for this but don't see this requirement documented on this forum or on the roadmap. Mank Thanks.

  • Guest
  • Jun 16 2023