I'm really surprised that you can't change the font size within Sage Line 50. It should be an option within preferences but sadly isn't. I've tried changing my screen resolution and display font settings which does increase Sage font size, but it is slightly blurry and not easy to use so I've had to revert back. Could you please give us that option, it would be SO useful!
I was able to change the text size by setting the scale to 125%, but that will affect all your apps and shortcuts placing on the desktop. Everything will look weird, even the text in Sage. Another solution is using an external big screen with lower resolution just for Sage! Ridiculous, but tat is what I am doing at my vacation home, because I have to use my laptop with a small screen you need a magnifier glass to see the numbers!
Guys, you are wasting your time. Sage will not spend money on font choice. The same as they will not modify the backup applet not to add a number for file splitting assuming the media size is similar to floppy drive!.
Please do get this fixed SAGE. Do you have any ergonomics or graphic design people on your software improvement team? If not please employ some and get this sorted. I dislike doing accounts anyway (I'm just one of the many unpaid government accountants), at least it shouldn't be bad for my eyesight as well
+1 this idea. It should be something people can amend on a program level basis.
Feedback received via rNPS survey 17/04/24: Sage needs a function to be able to zoom in. The text is so small, I know a lot of people who use sage and all say the same, we need a function top zoom in.
I am visually impaired and the size of the font on some of the screens have a big impact on how quickly I can work as I have to lean into the screen. I bought a pair of "screen glasses" but even with them I have difficulty. The reports are great as they have the sliding scale which increases them to much more readable size. I wish the Record screens, customer receipt screens etc had the same option. Will this be resolved soon?
Feedback received via tNPS survey 16/05/23: the text size is too small and i am struggling to see the text comfortably, even with the laptop resolution increased.
[current suggested workaround/Help Centre advice for customers to adjust screen resolution to try & make do with this accessibility requirement is not acceptable]
Feedback received via tNPS survey 29/11/23: I wanted a way to make the text bigger on Sage, [agent] talked me through the option which was easy enough but unfortunately the text did not increase by much.
Feedback received via tNPS survey 21/2/24: Font too small. Choice seems to be to increase screen resolution, even with increasing this to 125% font is too small. But increasing screen resolution makes other systems to large and out of focus. And sage text colouring too light. Theses changes hurts my eyes. No it isn't my eyesight as I have only recently had my eyes tested. Really disappointed and annoyed.
Feedback received via tNPS survey 7/3/24: [customer mentions other issue/the reason for the call but then adds this in their feedback] the screen text size thing bugged me, but not enough to mention on the call.
Feedback received via tNPS survey 20/3/24: Can you use fonts that visually impaired people can see? Can you make the font size a user preference it does not matter how big a screen I buy the font size can not be changed. This seems to be visually impaired discrimination.
[current suggested workaround/Help Centre advice for customers to adjust screen resolution to try & make do with this accessibility requirement is not acceptable]
S50UKI-I-1464Created by christine@rbwholesale.co.uk on 13 Jul, 2022
In 2022 its ridiculous I cannot change the font size within sage to make it more accessible. Not every user has a larger monitor, using sage on a 15 inch laptop screen makes the font size look around a size 8 or so. Having increased font sizes through the accessibility functions on my works laptop has no effect on sage software. There isn't an option to increase the functionality within sage without it being bigger than my screen size. We should have a couple of basic accessibility options within sage in 2022.
S50UKI-I-855Created by Pamela Dillon on 7 Jun, 2022
I don't understand why nearly every other program in our pcs can have the type resized yet Sage 50 still has some really small text. It does not matter what settings I use on the pcs and in the enviroment.
We spend chunks of our time practically sticking our noses on the screen to read some items in Sage.
Please make it possible to change the font size.