Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Invoices should ignore the 'product and services' filterĀ - so that all invoice active products are always available to pick from

So, if I have a filter on my 'products and services' screen, when I create an invoice I can only add items to the invoice that are showing on my 'products and services' filter. I have not found any practical use for this, but I am frequently needing to remove this filter, so that I can add the items I need to my invoice.

I would prefer to always be able to add any items to an invoice, without first needing to remove a filter on my 'products and services' list. I know the filter can be cleared from the invoice (product code >filter > clear form etc.), but it is still a bit of a faff, especially when on the phone taking an order. Thank you

  • Guest
  • Mar 19 2022