I have spoken now to three different people at SAGE and blown away by the fact that the Charitable Funds section of SAGE won't allow you to see the balances for each fund for a selected date.
Within the Charitable Funds section each fund displays the Name, Type Opening Balance and current balance of each fund. However if you would like to run a report to see the balance remaining for each funder at the end of the month there doesn't seem to be anyway of doing so.
The current Fund Analysis Report will give you a breakdown of all the debit and credits within the fund for any selected date but not what is the remaining balance of that fund. This seems to me to be the most important and basic data one could expect from the Charitable Funds section to see the month end balance.
Hugely disappointed that SAGE is unable to track Charitable Funds in a way that displays how much each fund has remaining without deporting all the data into an excel sheet and working it out for yourself. As a small charity we have a large amount of small funds from different funds and no way of seeing how much remains in each fund at the end of the month to report to our funders.
After length discussions with SAGE I find it hard to believe we are the first Charity to have this problem. SAGE has quoted me £300 to make a custom report to display the most basic data that one could expect to see in Charitable Fund- the balance of each fund. I cant say i am too happy with
I would imagine that this is a relatively easy change SAGE could make.
It is VERY poor that this key report is missing from Sage.
And a lot of manual work to create one using Excel. 1/10 for Sage
Hello. I found a workaround for this glaring omission in Sage 50;
Run Sage “Fund Analysis Report” limit transactions to a particular date. (or run them for all dates, and select them out using Excel later if preferred)
2. Export report data to Excel
3. Create Pivot Table report based on nominal amount, fund, and with nominal code as a selection.
4. Within the pivot table Filter the nominal codes to exclude all balance sheet accounts, therefore selecting all P&L nominal codes & 3200 (which is the reserves account nominal for all of our funds)
If you want to include/exclude particular periods, you can select out dates in the pivot table.
My pivot table then showed the balances remaining on the funds at a particular date.
Can't believe Sage have not enabled periodic funds reporting, but they haven't !