Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Invoices and Credits - Department Column

I work for an IP firm where the Sales Invoices are entered in through the Sales and Credits tab.

We can filter by order taken - which in our case is the secretary (sage user) who created the invoice or credit. However as some of the secretaries work for more than one fee earner there is no way for the fee earners to view their invoices and credit notes in a given period.

All the fee earners have a department number and at the end of the month I run a report from the department tab which shows individual sales totals. This report does not give a client reference, an invoice number or a Project Reference. 

Prior to running this report, I run the Nominal Ledger Detailed report to check for errors. Our fee earners could export this report to Excel and filter by department but it would be much easier if if in the Invoice and Credits Screen there was a column for departments so we could filter on Sage and look at the data on Sage rather than exporting to Excel to filter.

I do appreciate the quality of the Excel reports but I think as Sage users we should always strive to maximise the reports in Sage rather than doing an excel dump.

  • Guest
  • Dec 2 2021