Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Supplier Quantity / Unit of Sale correction

We're implementing purchase ordering for the first time, having used the stock control for many years.

We issue products to our Production Team in different quantities than we buy.

There is a field in the Product Details that handles this, namely 'Supp Unit Qty'. We have 'Unit of Sale' set to one (as we issue out individually) and 'Supp unit Qty' set to 10 (as they are sol in boxes of 10). I've included an attachment of the Product Details.

Purchase cost for 10 is £77.90, therefore individual price is £7.79 (no mark-up as it's issued to production rather than sale, so ignore that aspect).

The Purchase Order works on the 'Re-order Qty' and correctly shows 2 @ £77.90 (see attached Purchase Order) as that's how they are purchased, in packs of 10.

The 'In Stock' figure is correct as we account for these products individually.

The product valuation is 10x what it should be (see attached).

We can't be the only people buying and selling/issuing products in different quantities. I can't align all of these factors to work correctly; either the Valuation is wrong or the Order details are wrong, or we need to account for products in tenths - which for some warehouse staff will be particularly confusing.

Sage Support (Escalation Team) recommended duplicating products and using them as Bills of Materials where they are a tenth of the parent product, however I don't believe this is a practical solution as it would mean duplicating around 50% of our products. Additionally, we buy cetain products in their 000s and issue as 1 box... Sage doesn't have enough decimals to handle this.

Instead, why can't the Valuation report take into account differences between 'Unit of Sale' and 'Supp Unit Qty'?

'Last Cost Price' / 'Supp Unit Qty' x 'In Stock' gives a correct valuation and ensures a functional Ordering and Stock Control system, without the hassle duplicating products or involving Bills of Materials.

  • Guest
  • Nov 24 2023