Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

For Gocardless DD requests, total the invoices requested and send the total to the customers bank - don't send the individual invoice amounts and have a number of direct debits coming out on the one day - the customer only wants to see the total coming out of their account.

Every other Direct Debit system only takes a total amount from a customers bank account. It is unbelievable that Sage think it's ok to take payments from customers invoice by invoice. None of my customers are happy about this and have started to come out of my Direct Debit process and revert to paying by cheque. It makes my investment in Gocardless a complete waste of money given I'm now tied into a contract. I only chose Gocardless because it was recommended in Sage. With all the research I did into it before I chose it, it was not mentioned anywhere in all the documentation that the invoices would be deducted one by one from the customer bank account instead of in total. Gocardless are able to pay us the total amount, it's time Sage stepped up and totalled it on the other side. This request has been made to you for over 6 years now.

  • Guest
  • Mar 25 2024
  • Guest commented
    October 15, 2024 11:08

    Well this is a big black hole isn't it.

    I posted my suggestion in March, 6 months ago and absolutely no response since from Sage. Pointless adding suggestions to this forum, they fall on deaf ears obviously.

  • Guest commented
    March 27, 2024 09:12

    When you do a supplier payment (by BACS) Sage does merge multiple invoices into a single payment (at the bank). So why can't the DD request be done similarly?

    Clearly at Sage, "the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing".