Sage 50 UKI Ideas Portal

Add tick boxes to Process Recurring Items window (and change order)

I think adding tickboxes to the side of each entry on the Process Recurring Items window would be a great idea. Often, when I click the Process button on the Recurring Items page, there are entries in the list that do not need processed yet (sometimes they are not processed on the same date each month). Instead, I have to cancel and edit the process that I don't want to a later date, then click the Process button again then Post. It would be much easier to just untick the items not needing processed. Also, it would be great if I could change the order of the items as I use it for regular bank activity and often the bank processes them in a different order than the previous time.

  • Guest
  • Mar 7 2023
  • Guest commented
    May 30, 2024 11:00

    Non-banking days (weekends) are a pain for us. We have a lot of recurring transactions that move about due to non-banking days. Yesterday (processing the previous day's banking) we had a whole load that the previous month had been shuffled forward one day, but there were 2 items which had not been shuffled and were due in that day. Selecting up to yesterdays date, I could edit all the shuffled transactions, but to remove the 2 items which were not due was impossible - using the filter reselected from the list to the previous day and wiped out all the editing I had done (a quick zip down the list and editing the date) and removed all the transactions that needed to be on that day: I had to edit all the transactions one-by-one (excruciatingly slow) to fix their date and then was able to select and process for that day.

    It would be much more useful for rescheduling if Sage did what GnuCASH does with recurring items: if it should be posted on a weekend day, there is the option to shuffle forward for that month only to the next non-weekend day - the next month it tries the original date again; ie it reschedules based on the normal date, not the last posted date. (I haven't used periods less than 1 month, but for days, particularly, less than 7, it would be more sensible to use the posted as opposed to normal date, or to ignore weekends when it comes to rescheduling for the next .)

    However, adding a tick box t the list would also be useful for those times when a recurring item does not occur for any reason and it can be quickly removed from the list to be posted.