You cannot currently set the system to calculate payment due date based on 30 days end of month customer terms. Majority of my customers (a lot of corporate companies) operate this policy. All our statements and reports all show 30 days from inv date which is wrong and we are constantly chasing what is seen as overdue invoices when they are in fact not yet. For example an invoice raised on 05/05/24 would normally be due 30 days later so 04/06/24. However with 30 days end of month terms, the invoice no matter what date raised, would be due at the end of the following month. So any invoices raised in may would be due end June and so on.
If you go into your customer account and select the Credit Control tab you can set the number of days and the payment due terms as well
Our invoices are due 30 days EOM so I use the following settings
Payment Due - 0
Payment Due from - "days before the last day of the following month"